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Peace on Earth, Peace off Earth, Peace with Earth

Welcome to the Space Peace Star Project

Humanity has reached a pivotal moment in its brief history on Earth and it must soon make a critical choice about its future prospects. Throughout the world, confrontation has become more prevalent than cooperation. Working together by sharing goals and resources are the obvious keys to insuring both the survival of our species and the security of our civilization while at the same time fostering progress, prosperity and freedom.

The technological capabilities to harness and utilize the infinite resources located beyond Earth's atmosphere for the support of human civilization are now available. Instant access to and exchange of information enabling universal education have become available to anyone anywhere on our planet. Innovative technologies for the manufacturing and distribution of goods and services have been developed. Yet, instead of these remarkable developments leading to peace and progress on a global scale, WAR, in its many forms and consequences continues to spread throughout the world today.  

Our future - will it be a stone age or a space age?

Overt and covert military activities, economic and financial manipulations, propaganda and disinformation, surveillance and policing, acts of terrorism and false-flag events are being used by governments against their declared opponents and against their own citizens as well. In 2015, approximately US $1,7 trillion was reportably spent on military expenditures by the governments of the world. This is approximately US $250 spent for every citizen of our planet and represents 2.3 percent of the global gross domestic product. The most critical issue facing humanity, the one that will most likely determine its ultimate success or failure as a species is its propensity to wage war.

Is it not time for a change of direction?

Space Peace Star Twilight

Yes - and the direction is up and it up to us to go there!

The Space Peace Star project to put a star in the sky - a star of peace -  is an artistic intervention and global collaborative effort to influence the direction of humanity's future from one of war, chaos and misery to one of peace, hope and prosperity.

Explore this website and find out why space development is an alternative to war and how working together we can make a difference.

We hope you will ageree that a Space Age is preferable to a Stone Age!

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The Space Peace Star project is an open source, open space, open community astronautical art project. We are seeking cooperation and support from individuals, institutions and organizations that truly believe that "War" is no longer an option for the future of humanity.